Despot Pokémon #697
- 82HP
- 121Attack
- 119Defense
- 69S-Atk
- 59S-Def
- 71Speed
Pokédex • Pokémon #697 • Tyrantrum
Pokémon Description
This Pokémon is from about 100,000,000 years ago. It has the presence of a king, vicious but magnificent.
A single bite of Tyrantrum’s massive jaws will demolish a car. This Pokémon was the king of the ancient world.
Pokémon Details
- Height8' 2''
- Weight595.2 lbs.
- GenderMale or Female
Strong-JawStrengthens biting moves to 1.5× their power.
Hidden Abilities
Rock-HeadThis Pokémon does not receive recoil damage from its recoil moves. struggle's recoil is unaffected. This ability does not prevent crash damage from missing with jump kick or high jump kick.