Royal Heir Pokémon #696
- 58HP
- 89Attack
- 77Defense
- 45S-Atk
- 45S-Def
- 48Speed
Pokédex • Pokémon #696 • Tyrunt
Pokémon Description
This is an ancient Pokémon, revived in modern times. It has a violent disposition, and it’ll tear apart anything it gets between its hefty jaws.
This Pokémon is selfish and likes to be pampered. It can also inflict grievous wounds on its Trainer just by playing around.
Pokémon Details
- Height2' 7''
- Weight57.3 lbs.
- GenderMale or Female
Strong-JawStrengthens biting moves to 1.5× their power.
Hidden Abilities
SturdyWhen this Pokémon is at full HP, any hit that would knock it out will instead leave it with 1 HP. Regardless of its current HP, it is also immune to the one-hit KO moves: fissure, guillotine, horn drill, and sheer cold. If this Pokémon is holding a focus sash, this ability takes precedence and the item will not be consumed.