- 100HP
- 135Attack
- 120Defense
- 60S-Atk
- 85S-Def
- 50Speed
Pokédex • Pokémon #983 • Kingambit
Pokémon Description
Though it commands a massive army in battle, it’s not skilled at devising complex strategies. It just uses brute strength to keep pushing.
Pokémon Details
- Height6' 7''
- Weight264.6 lbs.
- GenderMale or Female
DefiantWhen any of this Pokémon's stats are lowered, its Attack rises by two stages. If multiple stats are lowered at once, this ability takes effect with each stat lowered.
Supreme-OverlordWhen the Pokémon enters a battle, its Attack and Sp. Atk stats are slightly boosted for each of the allies in its party that have already been defeated.
Hidden Abilities
PressureMoves targetting this Pokémon use one extra PP. This ability stacks if multiple targets have it. This ability still affects moves that fail or miss. This ability does not affect ally moves that target either the entire field or just its side, nor this Pokémon's self-targetted moves; it does, however, affect single-targetted ally moves aimed at this Pokémon, ally moves that target all other Pokémon, and opponents' moves that target the entire field. If this ability raises a move's PP cost above its remaining PP, it will use all remaining PP. When this Pokémon enters battle, all participating trainers are notified that it has this ability. Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, higher-levelled Pokémon have their encounter rate increased.