Gnash Teeth Pokémon #779
- 68HP
- 105Attack
- 70Defense
- 70S-Atk
- 70S-Def
- 92Speed
Pokédex • Pokémon #779 • Bruxish
Pokémon Description
Its skin is thick enough to fend off Mareanie’s spikes. With its robust teeth, Bruxish crunches up the spikes and eats them.
Pokémon Details
- Height2' 11''
- Weight41.9 lbs.
- GenderMale or Female
DazzlingWhen an opposing Pokémon attempts to use a move that targets this Pokémon or an ally, and that move has priority, it will fail.
Strong-JawStrengthens biting moves to 1.5× their power.
Hidden Abilities
Wonder-SkinNon-damaging moves have exactly 50% base accuracy against this Pokémon.